Founded in 1999, KBS Genetic has acquired in a few years an essential place in the field of exporting high-end Limousine genetics. KBS Genetic is recognized by the Ministry of Agriculture as a «breeding company» which allows it to market its own seeds and embryos adapted to the demand of its customers. In collaboration with several producer organizations in Limousin, and also involved with other suckling breeds (Aubrac- Blonde d'Aquitaine-Charolaise-Salers), KBS Genetic has developed a proven know-how in seed export trade, of embryos and live animals throughout the European Union, but also in Russia, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Serbia, Australia and Thailand. During its farm tours and thanks to a strong network of renowned breeders, KBS Genetic selects animals that meet market demand above all.
Certainly the ease of birth is important, as well as the finesse of bones and maternal qualities, but it is above all lines of rustic animals, docile and easy to raise that the team of KBS Genetic works. On the other hand, KBS Genetic has been specializing for many years in the selection of naturally hornless animals (polled) successfully! Very quickly, was formed around KBS Genetic a group of Limousin breeders «Polled Excellence Group», among the most famous within the Limousine breed, who recognize themselves in a proactive approach to pooling and valuing their selection efforts. KBS Genetic organizes every year sales «Prestige» in Limousine and Aubrac breed which are always eagerly awaited by breeders from all countries.
A commercial dynamic at the service of future Limousine genetics...
The strength of KBS Génétic lies in its dynamic and passionate team.
Serious, competent and experienced personalities, naturally affable and eager to ensure the smooth running of transactions.
Broken with the demands of the agricultural
world, we will meet your expectations while
bringing our know-how, our originality and
our field knowledge in the realization of your